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Tranfluence - Transform Your Life.
0% Complete
0/0 Steps
Messaging4 Elements-
Personal Transformation Pain Points - [Tran - Pain, Stuck, Desired Outcome, Change, Results]:
[8] Messaging = Transform, Best self, best life:
=== [9] Messaging - This is it!:
☆☆☆[10] To Find Messaging - Start Perfect Webinar:
Personal Transformation Pain Points - [Tran - Pain, Stuck, Desired Outcome, Change, Results]:
What Is Tranfluence4 Elements
Tranfluence - Transforming Inner Worlds to Core:
Tranfluence - what is Tranfluence:
Tranfluence - what do I do - I'm the founder of...:
Tranfluence - how it works (needs polishing):
Tranfluence - Transforming Inner Worlds to Core:
Tranfluence - Profound Messaging_Jay Abraham @ TR:
Tranfluence - All In = Do it All & Give it All:
Program Structure >>> Transform Your Life - Become Your Best Self, Create Your Best Life>>> Tranfluence Massive Recruitment (Like MLM) > Big Events, Huge In-Flow2 Elements
3 Programs - Core, Team Leader, Team Support:
☆☆☆ Buddy System !!!2 Elements
Power Review: Students will Record a Short Video on their Phone towards the End of Each Session (while in Class - as a Mission) - Expressing What They Got from the Program So Far + How They Feel: Make it a Power Review! Then, Upload it to their Program's Journal (Set Up Vimeo Video Upload)
Give Recognition (and by that, Status) to Any-Student Any-Time they Perform a Task they way I want, or Act the way i want - Reward them with Pleasure!
One Merged Program - Power Relationships & Interactions:2 Elements
WEEK 1 > Tranfluence - Inner World VS Outer World || Shifting Inner World Towards Core || Change How You See Yourself, Others, The World, Life>> WEEK 1 - NEW >>14 Elements
WELCOME >> Welcome, Congrats, and Empowerment, High Energy > Change is Coming, and it is Coming Fast! || You are embarking on the most Exciting and Rewarding Journey of your life - your journey to Becoming Your Best Self, and Creating Your Best Life
YOUR INNER WORLD > We are here to Transform Your Life, to Change Your World. So I want to start by talking about the Most Important and Most Powerful thing in Your World...Your Inner World. || Your Inner World is where you See what you See, Hear what you Hear, Think what you Think, and Feel what you Feel. It is Where you Choose what to Say and How to Say it. Where you Choose what to Do, and How to Do it. > It is the Most Important & Powerful thing in Your World! It can Help You See the right things the right way, Hear the right things the right way, Think the right things the right way, and Feel the right things the right way. And If and When it does - It can Help You Make the right Decisions. It can Help You Say & Do the right things the right way, and Get the Results you Really Want. Anytime, Anywhere, in any Area of Your Life, and in Any Situation. Your Inner World Holds ALL the Keys to Your Kingdom! The Keys to the Life that you Really Want to Have! The Keys to the Kind of Person that You Really Want to Be! Your Inner World is the One thing that Makes You, or Breaks You. The One thing that Helps You Achieve All that You Want - or, Prevent it From You. || Take a moment and let it sink in properly - This. Is. Mind. Blowing! || To Transform Your Life - You Must First Transform Your Inner World. >> Change Your Inner World and You Will Change Your Life. -> Change it Fast and You Will Change Your Life Fast! -> Change it More, and You Will Change Your Life More! >>> And soon, as we get deeper into the training program, you will start learning how Change it All!
YOUR INNER WORLD CORE > The way you behave change, the choices You make change, your knowledge, your beliefs, your skills & your ability to achieve things, they All Change. But not the kind of person you that really want to be. Even when you are confused. Even when you lose your way. Even when you hurt others. Even when you hurt yourself. Even when you let fear and self doubt keep you from what you really want. No matter what you do or don't do - the kind of person that you really want to be is alway there, deep inside. You are made this way, and nothing ever change it. The kind of person you really want to be is Your-SELF! - Your one and only True SELF. And it is always there, residing at the Core of you Inner World. And this is where your dreams & aspirations are coming from. Calling you. Guiding you.
POWER MAP >> Your Journey in this Program has few Key 'Components' Each 'Component' includes 'Elements' and 'Missions'. Every 'Element' will introduce you to an essential step in your journey. In each 'Mission', you will actually take a step, and make a move forward in your journey. Completing Successfully all the 'Elements' and 'Missions' of each Key 'Component' will advance you greatly in your journey to greatness, and will also prepare you to the next key "Component'. >> The Program's Key Components, Elements & Missions are your Power Map. Understanding and Following the Power Map is essential to your personal success. This is no ordinary program, and no ordinary map. When yo follow the Power Map and make Power Moves you gain Power. The Power to Become the kind of person you really want. The Power to have to kind of life you really want. The Power to Make It Happen. More and Stronger Power Moves on the Power Map = More and Stronger Power within Yourself & in Your Life.
POWER MOVES >> The way you use the Power Map is the most important factor in your journey. It's not about you simply moving through the program's key components, elements, and missions. It is the WAY you move through them that determine the progress you will make, and the results you will get. There are 2 things that can make or break your personal success in the program. One is the program itself, and everything that it will provide you. The other is You, and what you choose to do with all that the program provides. If we give our 100% + and You give your 100% = You'll get 100% out of it. But, if we will not give our 100% to you, and will not provide you the guidance, training and support that will produce powerful results - you will fail. And, if you will not give your 100%, will not follow our guidance 100%, will not do the training 100% - you will fail. > You and us have the same goal here - your success! The only way we can achieve this for you is by working together. To get you the fast & powerful results that you want, you and us both have to give our 100%. The Power Map will show you how to make Power Moves, and when giving it your 100%, these Power Moves will Bring more Power to you & to your life. It will create an Exponential Power Growth = the level of transformation in your life will be continuously accelerating. As you make Power Moves, your power will grow = your 100% will grow, and you will bring even more power into your next Power Move, so you will get even more out of it. And so on, a rolling snowball effect - growing bigger and bigger as it keeps moving forward.
POWER >> What is power - why is it all we really want, and all that really matters? || Power = Life Itself. They are one and the same. Greater Power = Greater Self = Greater Life. || Explain [1] "Power", "PowerFull", "PowerLess" [2] The Scale of Power > Positive Polarity between "PowerLess" (0) and "PowerFULL"(100) & Negative Polarity between "PowerLess" (0) and "PowerFOOL" (-100) [3] How our "Personal Power" Level on the Scale effecting Us - Directly & Ripples - Gives Us the Power to Create or Destroy [4] How Our "Personal Power" Level affect Every Area & Situation in Our Lives > the Power there is In Any Area and Situation in Our Lives = The Power We Personally Give It [5] Now that we Understand why it is so important, here's the Great News - Among other important things, the Tranfluence Program & Membership will also Teach & Train you [A] how to Power Up Your Personal Power, get more and more PowerFull, and Become your Dream Self - The Kind of Person you Really want to be [B] How to Power Up every Area of your Life and Create Your Dream Life - The kind of Life you Really want to have
THE 5 POWERS OF CREATION >> [Overview - because we will refer to them in the next mission when members will Create their Vision for their PowerSelf & their Power Life]
POWER SELF >> Your 1st Mission - Create your Vision for Your Power Self (Dream Self - Self Full of Power)
POWER LIFE >> Your 2nd Mission - Create Your Vision for Your Power Life (Dream Life - Life Full of Power)
[?] (Focus/Attention or The Vantage Point of the Focus or Both) - Controlling & Directing Power >> [1st] We CHOOSE Our Inner World Vantage Point - The Frame we are at - Where from are we doing the looking/focusing [2nd] We see things that we are Focusing on as they Appear From Our Inner World Vantage Point [3rd] The way things Appears to us, Affect What we Think & How we Feel [4th] The Way we Think & Feel Affect Our Behavior [5th] What We Keep Focusing On, and The Way We Keep Seeing Things, Keep Thinking & Keep Feeling - Keep Affecting (a) the Way we keep Experiencing Life (b) the Way we Keep Behaving. |||. Creating a PowerFull Inner World = Creating a PowerFull Vantage Point + Power Focus
[POWER FRAME & POWER STATE = Inner World Power] | (Frame = the way i SEE/PERCEIVE Myself/Others/My World/My Life - Right Now, at this moment) | (State = the way I FEEL about Myself/Others/My World/My Life - Right Now, at this moment) | > POWERING UP our INNER WORLD, then, Letting this Power flow from us to the outer world, communicating & broadcasting it through our presence/energy field, body language, words & actions >> Frame (Your Perceived Reality - Inner World Reality) & State (Your Inner World Energy & The Way You Experience/Feel Life in Your Inner World) is a Result of FOCUS - DIRECTION of FOCUS (what are you focusing your attention on) + INTENSITY of FOCUS (How Much Life/Energy Do You Breath Into It - Zoom In, Into the Details) > || Explain & Demonstrate Focusing/BREATHING LIFE/Powering Up Our Inner World (Power Inner World Reality - Frame & State), Our Interactions (Power Interactions), and Our Life (Power Outcomes) - It is one of our POWER TOOLS.
[** Our Inner World Creates Our Life - SHIFTING OUR INNER WORLD REALITY will Shift Our Life Accordingly **] INNER WORLD TRANFLUENCE >> to Change How You See Yourself, Others, the World, and Life >>> #1 Change how seeing self, others, world, life - ||||. #2 Change how seeing self, others, world, life -
POWER ACTIONS & Interactions (a Power Tool) - SHOWING UP >> 5 Powers Core Alignment - DIRECTION of FOCUS. Will Power in The Driver Seat - All Other Powers Falling In Line & Serving It (explain how they serve it - Mental = providing thoughts & attitude that will Make what You Want Happen. Emotional = Providing the emotions & feelings that will Make what You Want Happen. Physical = Providing the Physical Energy, Expression & Appearance that will Make what You Want Happen. Action = Acting Decisively & Powerfully = PowerFull actions that Bring Together all 5 Powers, through your Presence, Interaction & Communication, to Make what You Want Happen. || All Horses Pulling Forward Together as One || Power Action = Action that is Packed with All 5 Powers of Creation, All Aligned in Direction & Intensity = Have the Power to Create the Outcomes that we Really Want = Make things Happen. || Make sure that every action that I take is a power action > If you want to make something powerful happen in your life, you must first make it happen powerfully in your inner world. Breath life into my plan of action, Power it Up, and get excited about it and then take the action
POWER ROUTINES/Habits [Setting Up a Power routine = a Power Commitment , and Must Be Done through a Power Action. | Following/Doing the Routine = taking Repetitive Power Actions as per the Power Commitment, and Creating a Power Habit) >> Routine - What is Routine, what does the word mean (it means "things we do repeatedly". Daily Routing, Weekly Routine, Monthly Routine. Habits. And Each of these Routines/habits Leads us on a "Route" to Some Outcome. Some Lead us to Desired Outcomes, while others Lead us to Undesired Outcomes.) > POWER ROUTINES/Habits are one of Our POWER TOOLS. They lead us to our Desired Outcome. We Create POWER ACTION PLANS (another Power Tool) to Achieve our Desired Outcomes, and we Set Up a POWER ROUTINE/Habit Schedule for each Power Action Plan. Applying the Power Action Plan through the Power Routine will Lead us to our Desired Outcome, and will Turn it into a POWER HABBIT.
WELCOME >> Welcome, Congrats, and Empowerment, High Energy > Change is Coming, and it is Coming Fast! || You are embarking on the most Exciting and Rewarding Journey of your life - your journey to Becoming Your Best Self, and Creating Your Best Life
Session 1 - Excluded Stuff
Participants 22
Module 7,
Element 2
In Progress
☆☆☆ Buddy System !!! #2:
Tom Essence January 29, 2022
Module Progress
0% Complete